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Staying Put: The Advantages of Using Glue to Secure Roof Tiles

Roof Tiles

Foam adhesive is a relatively new installation technique to secure roof tiles in your home. There are several advantages to using foam adhesive to glue roof tiles rather than relying on traditional methods like mortar and screws. Here’s why you should consider using foam adhesive during your next roof installation.

The Benefits of Glue Roof Tiles

  • Efficient Installation: A huge advantage of using foam adhesive is the application process. Most of the installation can be done with towels and brooms, limiting the amount of equipment needed. Instead of requiring an entire crew, most of the work can be done by three or four people. An efficient installation process saves you money and time by reducing your labor costs and allowing the job to be done in just an afternoon. Roof installation companies benefit as well because the training process for gluing roof tiles is quick and efficient.
  • Light, Strong Adhesion: One of the most attractive reasons to use foam is that it’s lightweight. Unlike mortar or screws, gluing roof tiles won’t add any extra weight or stress to your roof. It holds up just as well as other methods, providing adhesion without creating additional holes for fasteners.
  • Less Maintenance: Foam adhesive provides an extra cushion to foot traffic during installation as the glue expands and contracts with your roof — minimizing the risk of cracked tiles. Glue roof tiles also require less maintenance, which saves you money over time while keeping your home strong and secure.
  • Extended Lifespan: Due to its lightweight status and low upkeep, glue adhesion will extend the lifespan of your roof tiles, allowing you to get more use out of your roof before having to think about repairs or replacements. Since glued roof tiles are durable, you won’t have to worry about them flying off during severe weather, or suffering significant wear-and-tear damage from the elements.

Install Your Roof with RBS Construction & Roofing

If you’re considering using foam adhesive to glue roof tiles to your roof, look no further than the experts at RBS Construction & Roofing. With 35 years of experience in the Orlando, Florida, area, our team of veteran craftsmen is prepared to provide you with superior residential or commercial roof installations and repairs using all types of roofing materials.

To schedule your free roof inspection, call us today at (689) 304-9605.
