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What Roof Is Best for a Hurricane?

Roofer On Roof Of A Big House

Florida is a coastal paradise, but life in the tropical region comes at a cost. Every year, the state suffers the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms, leaving residents vulnerable to major storm damage. As a Floridian, you must take safety precautions and equip your home to be as hurricane-proof as possible. After all, your roof is the first and most important line of defense against major storms, so choosing the most protective roofing material is crucial to your home’s resistance.

The 4 Best Roofing Materials for Hurricanes and Major Storms

  1. Metal Roofing: Metal roofs offer an unmatched level of wind resistance. Metal shingles can sustain wind speeds of up to 160 miles per hour, making them the best roofs for hurricane-prone areas. With a metal roof, your home would be safe from hurricanes as strong as Category 4 which are storms whose wind speeds range from 136 to 156 miles per hour.
  2. Ceramic Tile: If metal roofs are too unappealing and you prefer to settle between resistance and aesthetics, ceramic tile is the perfect roofing material for you. Providing a wind resistance of up to 130 miles per hour without losing its visual charm, ceramic tile is the middle point between durability and appeal. Although not as effective as metal roofing, ceramic tile is a prettier alternative that can sustain Category 3 hurricanes and more.
  3. Natural Slate: There might be more wind-resistant materials, but none are as eco-friendly, attractive, and durable as natural slate. After your initial installation, you will not have to worry about your roof during a storm ever again. Not only does natural slate resist winds as strong as 110 miles per hour, but it also offers beauty and durability that will increase your home’s resale value. Category 2 hurricanes will not be a problem with your new natural slate roof installation.
  4. Asphalt Shingles: For those looking into affordable wind-resistant roofing materials, asphalt shingles are the perfect fit. Like natural slate, asphalt shingles provide resistance against winds of up to 110 miles per hour. Asphalt shingles offer basic support without sacrificing your home’s look or your wallet; however, if you are looking for more hurricane-resistant roofing material, you might want to consult with your local roofing professional to investigate other options.

Central Florida’s Top-Rated Hurricane-Proof Roofing Professionals

If you want to upgrade your home’s resistance to hurricanes and major storms, let the knowledgeable professionals at RBS Roofing take care of your next roofing installation. With 35 years in the industry, our team offers highly superior residential and commercial roof installations that provide special resistance to Florida’s demanding weather for years to come.

If you are looking for affordable, high-quality roofing services in the Central Florida region, call the experts at RBS Roofing today at (689) 304-9605 to schedule a free consultation.
